For Patients
We work from within the healthcare system to make things better for you. We partner with providers, payers and health systems to ensure you have one single, unified team supporting your journey. In partnership with your care team, Wildflower provides you with a simpler, more effective healthcare experience that treats you like the unique individual you are.
Wildflower is here to help:
Virtual Care + Lactation Consults + Mobile App + Health Advocates + Remote Devices + Doula Care + and more
Below is more information about how to access specific support Wildflower has available to eligible patients. Not sure if you’re eligible? Ask your OB, health system, employer or health plan if they work with Wildflower.
With Wildflower, you can access …
Lactation care
We offer nationwide virtual appointments and in-person appointments, connecting you with supportive and experienced professionals ready to meet your lactation and breastfeeding needs. Get started and make an appointment by visiting our lactation care page.
Mobile apps in partnership your OB
We work closely with your local OB to provide a personalized pregnancy app, powered by Wildflower Health. If your OB has referred to you our apps, visit our OB apps page to pick the app that’s just for you.
Mobile apps in partnership with your health plan or hospital system
Find out if you have access to your health plan or local hospital’s pregnancy and pediatrics mobile app, powered by Wildflower. We partner with many healthcare organizations: Ask your hospital or health plan if they work with Wildflower and how you can access your health app.
Doula care
Empowering birth experiences by offering personalized and trusted doula support from Wildflower's credentialed doulas. Your doula will provide trusted education and evidence-based guidance throughout pregnancy, when creating your birth plan and during postpartum. Get started and make an appointment by visiting our doula care page.
Health Advocates and Health Coaches
Wildflower Health Advocates are partners in your care, answering questions, connecting you to resources, and getting you started on prescribed remote devices. They work with your OB as a trusted member of your care team. If you have any questions or need to get in touch with your Wildflower Health Advocate, you can reach them in your app's Message Center.
Get help for issues or answers to account questions: For current app users, contact our support team at
Why Wildflower?
Our Outcomes
Activate Patients & Increase Care Team Efficiency
compliant with care plan
enrollment at point of care
1st trimester engagement
fewer missed appointments
Transform Care To Improve Quality & Outcomes
Risk ID
by up to 3X
LBW Babies
by up to 75%
ER Visits
by up to 20%
Capture Economic Value of Outcome Inprovements
$2K savings in low risk
$43k savings in high risk